Welcome to Kryptonian Ink. My goal is to provide you with the best Tattoo experience available. With the comfort and privacy of a one on one session.
Gone is the intimidation factor and having to share your tattoo experience with other people getting tattooed in the chair 1 foot from you, That you would typically find in your local street shop. Each of our stations have a footprint of 10x10 area.
Enjoy the comfy sofas and a warm fireplace as you wait for your Tattoo to be prepared. If you wish to bring a friend along to share in your Tattoo experience, They can sit with you in the Tattoo area.
You will find the absolute highest standard of a clean and sterile environment, using the latest techniques and the best equipment available for your comfort and safety. We only use the best quality Inks on the market today to give you the most colorful and vibrant result with over 200 colors to choose from and nearly an infinite amount of mixable variations of colors. As well as the best black inks for smoothest Black and grey Tattoos.
Kryptonian Ink uses a "one time one use", method of Tattooing, To provide you with the best standard in sterilization. With added knowledge of first aid level C and Blood born pathogen courses.
Tattoo shops can be a very intimidating place for any person. My main Focus when I built this studio, was to step outside the box of the typical main stream way of doing things, by avoiding the stereotypical, excessively loud metal music, Dark imagery, and cheap flash art on the walls.
Instead I wanted to make this Studio a place anyone can call home. To come to a place where anyone of any age would feel relaxed and comfortable. Above all else, I wanted you to feel that you are in a clean and safe environment.
You will not be placed in a dark cramped corner behind a wall in some cubical, Rather you are in a large open private executive studio setting that you can feel in control of your surroundings. Should you wish to listen to any music genre you prefer, watch a movie of your choice, or simply just chat with your artist. This studio will make you feel right at home. What ever makes you feel the most comfortable, is what makes your Tattoo experience a memorable one.
Our studio is equipped with a private room in order to ensure that you are comfortable and wish to remain in a private setting. Especially for any Tattoos that require nudity or any private areas of the body to be exposed during the tattoo process.
In the event that your tattoo requires you to be exposed, No other person will be allowed in the tattoo area with you. this includes friends, family, partners or spouses. This is to ensure that both the artist and client can work freely in a comfortable setting free from any discomforts or typical awkwardness that may accompany these types of tattoos with a third party in the room.
Please know that I put my clients safety and well being above everything else. My reputation as a professional artist and maintaining the highest level of respect for my clients and their privacy outweighs any amount of money. So I have no problem letting the customer go if I feel their session can potentially be compromised or disturbed by a third party.
I also have a code of ethics I like to maintain in my studio when it comes to the types of tattoos clients want. I do not do any sacrilegious tattoos, gang or racial related pieces. I will not tattoo hands, fingers, faces, or neck on people who have other more suitable spaces to get them. This is not personal, but rather I care about the future of my clients, especially young clients, and I deter any tattoo that may interfere with their future.
Clients must be at least 18 years of age.